Sunday, 31 March 2013

Let's Try Again in 2013

Sorry I've neglected this blog for do long. The truth is I ashamed to say that my house is in a worse state than when I started. Stress from my job has kind of taken over and I've let thing get on top if me. Also my hubby has suffered several injuries which have put him out of action for weeks at a time. This has been quite difficult for me as household chores are always a team effort so I have really been missing his help. Anyway, I've decided that I really want to get on top of my disorganised ways and tackle things head on.

This is what I've done so far:

1. Subscribed to organisational blogs.
2. Use technology as much as possible to remind me of appointments and tasks.
3. Get through as much if the laundry pile as I can. I have a wonderful mum who has taken a few bags of laundry from me and washed and ironed them (what a gem). If you don't have someone to help you could use the services if your local launderette and ironing services.  It may cost a little but it's worth it to clear the backlog 
4. Continue to plan meals in advance and shop online accordingly. Remembering to always make use if special offers and multibuys.
5. I always organise kids school stuff the night before but I'm going one step further in 2013 and preparing for the whole week in advance.

I'm hoping that soon I will start to see the rewards.  The spring is almost here so it's making me feel more like getting off my backside and taking back control.

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